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Pure “O”

OCD and Compulsions: Are they related?

 For many years, people studying Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) pondered the question of whether an individual can suffer from Obsessions alone, without experiencing any Compulsions.  This would be referred to as “Pure O.”  Though this is possible, it is a rarity.  Compulsions include ritualistic and repetitive behavior such as hand washing, checking door knobs, light switches, and other visible actions. An OCD disorder generally causes extreme anxiety.  Clinical experience indicates that the condition of Pure O is highly unlikely.  Although the patient may show no outward visible compulsive behavior, hidden compulsions may be overlooked.  Compulsive behaviors may be mental as well as physical.  Some cases experience compulsive thoughts such as death in family, friends, or consequences that may result from prohibiting themselves to act upon their obsessions. The fact is that regardless of how OCD is determined, it needs to be treated.  The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms as well as obsession and compulsions so that the individual who is suffering from this condition can lead a manageable life.  Treatment for OCD comes in various forms of therapy, medications, or a combination of both. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic process designed to desensitize the patient from the triggers that cause chronic anxiety.  This is the real problem and often manifests itself in easily- recognized compulsions. TMS Therapy is also a great option.  It is non- invasive, has no side effects, and is non- medicinal.  At Smart Brain and Health, we are not only able to treat OCD, but also other neurological disorders that often are paired with OCD, such as Depression and Anxiety.  With our patented technology of utilizing the Neuronavigation technique, collectively with our treatment protocol, allows us to be very specific with the way in which we administer TMS. Statistics show that one in 40 adults in the US suffer from OCD.  The best thing to do would be to visit a behavioral specialist for a diagnosis.  With advancements in medicine and technology, there are now numerous, effective treatment options for OCD.  The most important thing is to research the condition and weigh out the alternatives. For more info on TMS Therapy, visit www.SmartBrainandHealth.com

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