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The Signs of Bipolar Disorder

There are a lot of signs interrelated with Bipolar Disorder.  Often, it is difficult to tell if one is Bipolar because the symptoms may seem isolated.  Two of the main things that a Bipolar individual experiences are episodes of Mania and Depression.  This is why the disorder is often referred to as Manic Depression.  Manic episodes include high bursts of energy.  In these instances, the person may feel exuberant and high strung.  This is referred to as hypomania.  It can almost be an enjoyable state to be in as they feel so elated and happy.  Another aspect of a manic episode is inflated self- esteem.  This may not sound that bad but can ultimately lead the person to do things they will later regret.  Planning grand and unrealistic projects can be a result of this.  While someone who does not suffer from this disorder may plan ahead and iron out details before proposing a project, a person who is bipolar jumps into it with both feet, later becoming regretful and inevitably not fulfilling all tasks involved in successfully finishing a project. In a depressive state, people experience lack of sleep and poor eating habits.  Both of these components can cause the person to become depressed and disoriented.  Fatigue can also prevent an individual from working or focusing at their place of employment.  The following are tell tale signs of both Depression and Mania. Some Depression Symptoms are:

The symptoms of Mania are:

If you or someone you love is not satisfied with their current bipolar treatment; contact Smart Brain and Health for a new FDA approved procedure.  

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